Tuesday 15 March 2011

SP Week!


Yeah, you heard me. Well this week is dedicated to us! We who are at the so called samhällesprogrammet in our school. The teachers surprised us at Monday morning with a so called mission that needed to be accomplished within 2 hours. The mission was to go outside and complete tasks all over the city! Such tasks as "What's the streetnumber of that particular building?" or "What kind of letter does the stones on the ground at the Kunskapsskolan form?" and so on. It was pretty fun but also a bit of pain in the ass running around all over.
Currently we've got a new mission to complete, we're supposed to almost advertise another company orally infront of our class, really good training for the "grown-up life" later though. Well weell I'm actually going to keep todays post short cause today I were at a, hmm what's it called? An exhibition? Oh well, a "mässa" at Malmö, so I'm a bit tired after running around in Malmö.

Sooo.. Goodnight n' sleep tight!

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